Brian Foreman has been helping clients recover from injuries, chronic pain and stress since 1991. He is a unique massage therapist. Blind since childhood, Brian's loss of sight has given him exceptional tactile skills. With this heightened sense of touch he has the ability to identify abnormalities or subtle changes below the skin's surface which enables him to find exactly where the problem is and tailor his massage technique individually for each client. Brian has a unique healing touch and a track record of genuine successes.
Brian received his practitioner degree from Seattle Massage School in the highest nationally accredited licensing program. He received a certificate in Health & Fitness from Renton Technical College studying anatomy, physiology and kinesiology in depth. In addition, he was awarded a certificate of achievement from the Chinese Academy of Medicine at GuangAnMen Hospital in Beijing, China where he studied Tuina, involving hands-on training in Chinese bodywork and sports medicine. Brian continues to take many hours of workshops to keep abreast of new techniques in massage therapy, and has been a member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) since 1991. He is a preferred provider for all major insurance companies, personal injury claims, Labor & Industries, and is on the referral list at many local medical facilities.
For many years people of all ages and walks of life have come to me for massage therapy. To anyone who loves to be active, an injury is more than just pain and frustration – it can be emotionally devastating. I have been blessed with an acute sense of touch and strong hands. I bring to my work a comprehensive knowledge of body movement and physiology, and extensive training in massage techniques. I have a passion for what I do and how massage can restore health. My goal is to help improve your quality of life through massage therapy.Sincerely,
Brian Foreman
Licensed Massage Practitioner
1648 S. 310th St., Ste. 5A / Federal Way, WA 98003 / w. 253.941.1212 / c. 253.740.7822